Ulysse Nardin Baby Leave
Beginning January 1, 2020, Ulysse Nardin joins Kering’s parental policy which will provide a minimum of 14 weeks’ maternity, paternity, adoption or partner leave on full pay for all group employees. the policy will be applicable during the six months following birth or adoption, irrespective of the employee’s personal circumstances or geographic location.
Since January 2017, all employees at Kering and its Houses, irrespective of their personal circumstances or geographic location, have benefited from the Group’s first Parental Policy. This provided 14 weeks of maternity or adoption leave on full pay, while five days’ leave on full pay was provided for paternity and partner leave.
Today, Kering is strengthening its Parental Policy further by extending paternity and partner leave to provide 14 weeks, applicable from January 1st, 2020. Via a domino effect, Ulysse Nardin becomes one of the standard bearers of this major initiative which favors gender equality at work. From then, with Baby Leave, all parents, without exception and whatever their personal circumstances, will benefit from 14 weeks’ leave on full pay at the birth or adoption of one or more babies/children.

This new, practical step forward is designed to provide a better work-life balance and to promote equality among employees, female and male, irrespective of their personal circumstances. All the Group’s employees around the world are guaranteed the same benefits when a child or children become part of their family.
“At Kering, we are fully committed to diversity and equality for our people, and Baby Leave is a new and important step forward to levelling the playing field. With this policy, we are proud to support every new parent, whatever their personal circumstances, and wherever they live. By harmonizing these benefits for fathers and partners, not only are we giving everyone the same rights – with both parents now being entitled to the same parenting time at home – but we are also supporting women in their career – given that men and women are now equally likely to take extended leave. Our purpose is simple: to build a supportive and inclusive working environment for our employees around the globe. We want Kering to be an employer of choice,” declared Béatrice Lazat, Kering’s Chief People Officer.
Key Figures of Ulysse Nardin
Women at Ulysse Nardin worldwide account for:
• 49% of our employees
• 40% of Group leadership roles
Main Kering commitments
• In 2010, Kering launched a global internal program to advance gender equality within the Group.
• Also in 2010, Kering was one of the first signatories of the Women’s Empowerment Principles
• charter established by UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact.
• To achieve faster progress towards equality, Kering is now proud to support the UN’s Standards
• of Conduct for Business Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI people.
• By 2025 Kering wants to reach gender balance and end the gender pay gap – at every level of
• our Group.
• Beyond the Group, Kering supports women with two initiatives:
- Since 2008, the Kering Foundation has worked to reduce violence against women. To
maximize its impact and for more than 10 years now, the Foundation has been working
hand in hand with a limited number of local partners in the three main regions where the Group operates: Northern America, Western Europe and Asia.
- Women In Motion, a program created in 2015 to highlight the contribution of women to the film, photography and other cultural industries. For the past 5 years, Women In Motion has been a platform to change mindsets and to provide thought leadership on both the role and the recognition given to women in all areas of the arts.